Monday 6 May 2013


Metazen ( describes itself in the following terms:

metazen publishes stories by various authors
metazen publishes poems
metazen publishes new content every single day
metazen has a schedule:
monday- a story is published
tuesday- a story is published
wednesday- a story is published
thursday- a story is published
friday- a story is published
saturday- a ‘literary saturday morning cartoon’ is published
every autre sunday- a “best of metazen” is (usually) published
metazen likes odd stories and odd poems, but ones that touch you in a special way
metazen began in March 2009 on a small coffee table with Frank staring at a bluish screen. Frank was drunk and hopeful
metazen does not believe in non-fiction, both in a literary sense and an existential sense
some stories will feature a Frank, who is a sad man. a pathetic man. a writer. a lonely, lost man. Frank is real. Frank’s stories are real. Fictional Frank and the Frank of this site are one and the same. They are also not the same at all
some stories will be completely devoid of Frank because they are written by other, more talented authors than Frank
it is important to help metazen grow because it is not a ‘for money’ kind of thing
metazen welcomes submissions and feedback

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